Thursday, 18 September 2014

Favourite Cocktail Tips - #SodaSaturday

Hi All,

The weeks are just flying by! Can you believe it's the weekend again already? As you know, we are all about #SodaSaturday for Autumn. Who wants to go out on the town when you can have the comforts of home, great tv and something fizzy in your glass? This week we thought it would be good to share a few of our favourite Drink Tips with you.

1. Lemon Zest: Is most definitely your friend. Get yourself a channel knife/zester and make spirals from your lemons and oranges. Not only will this add a sense of style to your cocktails, it will also add a burst of flavour. It just adds something extra to a cocktail and will impress your guests. Also, remember if you twist your zest, it releases the oils.

2. Glasses: If you know you're serving your cocktails in particular glasses, then put them in the fridge an hour before your guests arrive. This way, you know every drink you serve will be cold and refreshing.

3. Mint: This is a no brainer for us here at SodaStream. A great cocktail almost always has a touch of mint. Just give the mint a rinse with water before adding to your drinks and you'll be good to go!

4. Flavour: We love a surprise when drinking cocktails. One of the easiest ways to add a zesty flavour is to rub lemon or limes around the rim of your glasses before you serve your drinks. If your drink doesn't have any lemon in it, it can offer a nice surprise to your guests.

5. Heat: We've all seen Mary Berry put her lemons in the microwave but have you ever wondered why? It releases the flavour and allows you to get the most out of your citrus fruit.

6. Ice: We all love ice in our drinks..but what we don't love is the water taking away from the flavour of the cocktail. To combat this, we love to flavour our ice-cubes before we allow them to set. Sometimes we'll do this with our other SodaStream flavours. A Ginger Beer ice-cube works really well in Strawberry based drinks - yum!

7. Yogurt: You might be thinking no way but we are here to tell you that a small addition of natural yogurt can cut through the sweetness of a lot of drinks and offer a slight tang to the taste.

8. Marmalade/ Jam: Again, not what you would expect to add to a drink but a tiny bit can add flavour, citrus and sweetness all in one hit! Just make sure to use your cocktail shaker if you add this.

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